Not all of our deals look the same but we do consistently provide safe returns. If you’d ever like to talk further about how you could partner with us and put your money safely to work for you with credible and competent real estate professionals, shoot us a message or contact us. We’d be happy to talk further about how we could get your money working better for you than savings, CDs, and even the stock market. We are committed to helping more families on the Northshore this year and enjoy partnering with local investors to make it a win-win-win across the board.

WOAH! For example, check out these current (March 2020) rates of returns on a few common places where people sit their money. Message me if you’d like to talk further about some options. If you have money sitting in a 401K or IRA, I can introduce you to options where you can even make your return TAX FREE! Not only are our private lenders getting a GREAT RETURN but they’re able to build their retirement account tax free while doing so! 

C.D.s: The BEST one out there right now according to the link below is 1.85% APY‼️

SAVING Accounts: The BEST one out there right now according to the link below is 1.80% APY‼️

MONEY MARKETS: The BEST one out there right now according to the link below is 1.80% APY‼️

Just something to think about while you are watching the economy. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat.